The Agilent E1339A 72-channel digital output/relay driver is a B-size, 1-slot, register-based VXI module. Channels can be used (with external pull-up resistors) as digital outputs or as drivers for external relays.
All channels are referenced to chassis ground, can sink up to 200 mA each, and can switch voltages up to 32 V. Limited power is available on the module faceplate for powering external devices. An on-board jumper permits either the + 5, + 12, or + 24 V VXI power supplies to be used for powering external devices.
Please note that +24 volt power is not available on Agilent B-size VXI mainframes. If +24 volt load power is required in such a case, an external power supply may be used. +24 volt power is available on Agilent C-size mainframes.
The downloadable SCPI and VXI plug&play drivers provide open/close commands for individual 72-channel operation or for 36-channel dual output operation (the latter is designed specifically for driving latching microwave relays).